So I went up the bus, glanced through the front part of the bus and all I saw was aunties I laughed out. I was thinking "Damnnit I'm gonna have no friends." THEN, I spotted a young girl (older than me but young) THEN I spotted a guy. THEN I Spotted teens around me age" In my heart I was like "Yes I'm gonna have friends whoopeedoo". Got comfortable in my seat (we were the last ones to board the bus) and then there are 2 guys beside me and one of them look REALLY familiar. I was thinking "Ehhhh I think that's my kindergarten friend.. Yeah!! He's my kindergarten friend!! I'm gonna go say hi to him yay!!"
Customs blahblah then of course I'd see him right then I was like "Confirm my kindergarten friend but I forgot his name hahaha" So then, went to Changi Airport Terminal 1(Boo) and had breakfast and mum bought a bag in their duty free.
Told mum :
Me : Please don't bring that bag its gna look so lame on you and its super hard to carry around lah!
Mum : Nevermind la y'know I bought this bag very expensive know somemore going Taiwan its going to be so convenient!
Me : Don't say I never warn you, you're going to regret it!!
(Turns out she actually pakat-ed with my auntie to bring the same bag LOL)
And yeah, she couldn't last one day with the bag. Couldn't even last for > 5 hours!
Told my mum the guy on the bus is my kindergarten friend.. Then suddenly I remembered EH its not my kindergarten friend. Its my primary school mate! Then I was like "HOLY SHIT ITS THAT GUY!!!!!!!" We kinda had 'history' together but not the type of history history as in like each other before BUT Bad history. Bad bad history. Oh well.
Oh............ I went Taiwan with my mum, my auntie and my grandmother. It was a spontaneous trip for me hahaha. Maybe I shall eleborate on that some other time. Or you can ask me personally.
Mum gave me this bracelet I love it I wear it 24/7 for 9 days straight.
Hot chocolate to fill my tummy
Worst croissant I've ever had.
Bad 9 layered tart/kueh
My Aunt
Wathed Sex and The City 2 en route Taiwan. Stopped after the first sex scene came up. Uh..awkward moment much when my mum is beside me..?
O hai Taiwan! Weather in Taiwan was soooooooo hot it was u to 35'C hot.
First on the left board
At the bullet train station
The seats are comfortable. But sad that the ride was only 20 minutes and I got sleepy at the 15th minute. Sian.
Shi Lin Night Market. It was soooo packed with people. If you're ever going to Taipei, Taiwan.. Please do not go there. The things they sell there suck.
Pork rice. Yum
Their Fried Oyster w/ egg. It doesn't suit my taste I think Malaysia's Fried Oyster is still better IMHO. The sauce is sweet and they put some kinda flour that the end result is sticky. It just wasn't good.
臭豆腐 Smelly Tofu. So far the smelly tofus I had in Taiwan/Malaysia can't beat the one I had in ShenZhen, China.
Uh....yeah basically that was my first day. Boring. I know. Mum Aunty and I almost 'cried' going to that Shi Lin Night Market. We're all like =.= by the things they have there.
Woke up at 530AM to get ready. Morning call at 6AM. Breakfast at 630AM. Bus took off at 730AM
The "young girl". She's Welynn and she's 20 years old. My only girl friend in the tour vice versa. (=
After breakfast we went to look at natural rock formation shit. Under the blazing hot sun. Stand under it for 1 hour you die of heatstroke I tell you.
I walked till here and went all the way back to where my mum and aunt and grandma is..(the entrance under the shield). They puteri lilin.
Ya all we did was look at rocks like that. And supposedly theres a legend behind those rocks.
Yeh Liu Geo Park, and that place was........
Enough said.
After that we went to 九份 Jiu Fen.
I kinda like this place because its... I dunno lah I just like it.
Second round breakfast
Salty Chicken.
After that we went to some place.. but I'd post the pictures in another post tomorrow or another day. I know, so far the trip has been boring. Pictures are boring too. No great shots this whole trip so if you are looking forward to seeing nice photos I tell you there arent any :'( I am no pro at taking photographs.
But I have more stories to tell. So stay tuned!
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