Thursday, October 29, 2009

And I surrender myself, to you.


So we may not emerge as the winner but we did something "new" that made us even happier than winning. Nope, not sharing because I am lazy like that. Don't ask me in anywhere I won't tell ha ha ha.

Anyway, here's the pictures :

*and it sucks to be the photographer when you like to have yourself in the photo.

The rest you know where to find. :-) And captions are there, not here. Lazy.

I like Chuck & Blair. Do you?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So bored just got back from Bukit Indah cause I and the 3 monkeys and one teacher went for paintball competition ha ha ha.

So we managed to get into semi finals but most probably we're going to get 3rd. Even better if we get 2nd or 1st. Pictures tomorrow cause I psycho myself to not bring my camera along with me today and I regretted it. Bringing it tomorrow though so that means, pictures! I'm happy when there's pictures. :D

And gonna "give up" on the "fashion show" thing in school tomorrow. There goes my baby step to my PLAN. Quite sad actually. But I'm sure there'd be another chance in the future cause well well well I'm just 15 right!?!!

Ok la bye I'm going to go have my dinner now. Yums

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm on self-leave today and I think I'm going to blog about things I've never talked about before.

Ok don't say I didn't warn you, this post is most probably going to be very boring you can choose to read it or to hover your mouse to the little "X" button to close my site.

For your information, I've always been a home-body. I enjoy spending time with myself, alot. I even like to eat alone! Yes all by myself.. I'm weird like that. I don't know why but I just find eating with other people are quite annoying. I mean, not in that way of annoying but its annoying to me in my way.

Also, I never really liked to hang around outside cuz I find it very tiring and exhausting. Not sure if the word exhausting fits in but I'm still going to use it though it sounds a little over. Oh well. I love the smell of my room and my bed and my wardrobe and basically everything at home. I've got this laze-around tendency in me. I see a chair I sit, I sit on anything that can be seated on. Better if I can lie on it.

Usually, I'd keep everything to myself cause to me, it's a waste of time talking to people. Not really a waste of time, but I don't bother trying to explain you know.. People would tell you, ya ya I understand and all but do they really? No, I don't think so. I strongly do not think so and sometimes I would then regret telling other people how I feel and what is my perspective toward things. They just don't get it why I am "behaving" like that and all..

People just assume everything about me you know. My topics with people are usually damn superficial so people around me probably thinks I'm a bimbo? I don't know. Maybe only my closer friends whom I open up to knows I'm more than that? I don't like to be assumed to be someone that I am not like for example..

I really hate it when people says stuff base on what they assumed when I'm trying something new something I've never really did before.. for example like :

Me : "Eh I think I'm going to go work as ______"

People : "You sure or not you can do it I bet you cannot last more than 3 days luh"

I really don't like to prove to someone that I am better than what you say about me because to me, why bother proving to them when its just words they say from their mouth and they do you no good when you actually proved to them that you are better than what they said? Because its my life, nobody really cares about others' life you know. At least to me I know I don't.

I'm very bad in putting my thoughts into words in which to speak or to write and I don't like that because I feel that sometimes I've been taken advantage of or something. No one really understands but I really really don't like explaining so please don't ask me.

I know somewhere out there people think that my life is happy-go-lucky or my life's really dull but you have no idea that it is quite tiring for me to handle my own life. I might say don't take life too seriously because I know that when you take your life too seriously you have a very big possibility to be let down y'know?

And no, not everyone that seems to be strong on the outside is strong on the inside.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Suddenly I'm in the clouds again

I am very the so burned now. Very the bbq. I'll show you later hahaha.

Though GS 1 did not win anything but GS 2 and GS 3 managed to get top 3! Happy for them, proud of them. ;-)

 Amoy & I I I I I

Eh got aunty behind.


There's actually continuation for it but lazeh upload hahaha. Nicole!

That was yesterday's. These are today's :

Sent Poco to the groomers and look at him now hehehe.


No "inspriration" to blog recently so my posts have been really dull and I don't like it! Skipped school today but going tomorrow but then I am still thinking to not go school tomorrow. Hiya, h8 being indecisive.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bijih Timah and sizzling card.

Title : Inside joke.

I had the worst public transport experience yesterday. The WORST. Haha speaking of that, I accidentally slapped someone with my pony tail haha and I didn't say sorry and the guy was like !#$%%^* (giving me the look) oops my bad. Nithiyah got stuck in armpit land. Joanne kena tofu JL kena made faces at.

And we missed 3 mrt rides just to get to causeway point to get JL's tweety bird plaster which we think that the shop bankrup and shut down already. Hahaha. J managed to get her Lumpy like oh finally. I spotted it and I was pointing at it and jumping up and down in excitement -you get the idea.


V & JL


V & N

JL & J

Haha sorry for the picture spamming but I like doing that. :D

There's more pictures tomorrow. :-D See you tomorrow X

What's the point?

I was thinking the other night that I really should just stick to one blogspot that is, -ficklestreet to avoid getting bashed up by people pretty soon. Hahaha So uh, I guess I'm back here cause I really can't bear to leave this blog because I really brainstorm myself to figure out a url other than thepaperpony.

Ah I don't think people read what I write anyway so what's the point of explaining. And if you are really reading and following my blog then thank you  :-)

I promise pictures later. So....


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spread on some eyewears

Okay so is back for business. Previously was "shut down" because of some problems and there weren't time for me to manage it so yeah. Since that my pmr's over I have all the time in the world to manage it and constantly changing its look to make it better. - for all of you.

Now that our collection 3 has not been launched yet, there are still couple of eyewears for sale so do check it out. It was from the remaining of the previous collection thanks to dead buyers, etc..

anyway, a preview! (its already up on

I know that you guys find the eyewears' price over-budget but I'm trying to earn some money here and the I'd already double checked that I lowered the price to make minimal profit. I hope you guys understand. Plus that the lens are from optical shops so its good for your eyes..

Oh, a simple reminder : Item is only one per design so fastest fingers first. I will consider doing a backorder if the response is overwhelming.

You can contact me personally at (my msn is the same email address)

The Owl City


Went to watch meatballs with E and J and the movie turned out quite nice! I expected it to be bad but it was good! Worth the money so go watch! One thing bad about the movie is that it makes you hungry! Seriously!! We went to have macs straight after the movie cuz we were too hungry. Ha ha ha.

I'm gonna start captioning.


make them








J (Pardon her shag look cuz she'd a bad day)


Hiya very lazy to upload already. The rest of it you can find them in facebook.

ps : ficklestreet@lj is back for business. Collection 3 yet to be launched but soon I promise.