Sunday, March 29, 2009

If you don't have time for your pet, then don't own one!

Maybe I was left behind. I didn't know this story at all. Until today.

Sheena the beautiful German Sheperd.

Click on the picture for a larger view.

Born 8 years ago, Sheena was a beautiful German Shepherd who died in August last year. The hope and happiness of a puppy were dashed when Sheena ended up in the hands of a cruel owner. ( I wouldn't say he is a human at all. )

The photos above are of Sheena in the last days of her life. These photos splashed across the national newspapers with her ribs sticking out and stomache bloated sitting by her rusty bowl of contaminated water broke hearts all across the country. Her owner, an engineer from Subang Jaya had kept her tied up and starving.

Based on the post-mortem report, Sheena was infected with ticks. She also suffered brittle bones due to malnutrition from young and the malfunction of all her major organs causing water retention which resulted in a bloated abdomen, empty bladder and stomach.

According to newspaper reports, a neighbour had trice telephoned the Selangor Veterinary Department, but nobody went to save the dog. Finally, she called the SPCA and they rushed to the scene to find her still tied and sleeping in her own faeces.The rescue came too late. Sheena had to be put down on August 18, 2005. The post-mortem revealed that she had suffered neglect for years. Ironically, it is likely that Sheena, the very same dog starved by her owner, would still lick his hand today if she were alive. ( I teared reading the sentence )

Source from : SPCA & Seventeen Magazine Malaysia April Issue for 2009.

My sunday, as for now.

I woke up @ 8AM today. Am I impressive or what? Hahaa. And I've not yet study a single shit for the Gerak Gempur exam on monday..... I suck man, seriously.

Ballet later..oh well.

April is nearing...........means I have to work on my losing weight operation. Go Vicky, Go Vicky.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life collages in between

That fella up there is so cute in its hoodies! aaaaaah so cute till I want that baby up there!! I'm going to look out for the ear hoodies for my Pocopocopococinno 8)

I would so get a Chi Wow Waaaa ( Chi Hua Hua ) when I'm old enough to have my own income. :D I know, I know.. Maybe you guys would be like "eew.. why a Chi Hua Hua?" I don't know, I really don't know. I just started liking Chi Hua Hua not long ago. Around last year November end. You know what's best about a Chi Hua Hua? They're always so tiny! And owning Chi Hua Hua makes someone very special.. Its just like Chi Hua Hua is counted high-class.. yeah. 8)

p/s: I can really find random stuff to type about eh? I'm good....

I can't help myself but to do it.

I can't lay my fingers off my keypad. That explains why I'm here again, typing chunks of nonsense. This morning I was supposed to accompany my mum to the morning market (also known as Pasar Pagi ) . But unfortunately I can't wake up and she went with my maid instead. Ok I get it, it doesn't make any sense.

I'm looking for some metallic pig skin passposrt holder from Topshop. I wonder if they still have it because I have no idea when the passport holder is in store. It might be years ago, I don't know. So if anyone found it please let me know alright? This is how it look like :


I am hooked to You Make Me Wanna - Blue.

I can't download the latest taiwan drama Rainie Yang acted in.. episode 5 and 6. I have no idea what is wrong with the website cause I can't seem download it and I don't know what it wrote also because I don't understand! I tried downloading it for about 3 days already and its not working. I am so pissed arrggghhkgahhhhh.

Oh ya, I told my mum I want to take chinese class and she said OK straight away. I think she's happy cause I finally want to take chinese class after idk how many godzillian years. So, anyone interested? Join me! If not I'll be alone..hopefully not. 8)

Btw I have no idea how I'm going to buy the fabrics to do my iPod case. Cause the iPod's small and I can't possibly but 1m for each of the fabric whatt, right? So I was thinking that maybe I should use the un-used fabric to do a laptop protector.. What say you?

I have a fruitty yellow friend.

Though you might not see this post but whatever it is, Happy birthday to you Chu Hsien! I'm looking forward to see you.. I guess I'll be seeing you @ your school's IU day right? We'll catch up by then alright! Enjoy being fifteen and rock on \m/ Go. girl!

Yay finally got the font I've wanted.. so there you go, not too huge font! Btw my font's no more Georgia. Don't know what's wrong with my site, Georgia font looks very ugly so I'd have to change it. & totally luv it!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Do your part, vote earth.

So don't forget to off your lights on 28th ( Saturday ) from 830PM to 930 pm. Do a good cause, help the earth, fight global warming. You can do it.

Current To-Do-List :
  1. Buy a C.D plushie
  2. Buy ingredients to do iPod case
  3. Change TMGC's battery ( Haven't do it since foreverrrrrr )
  4. Get a cute USB
  5. : )

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vicky's One month losing weight operation.

Effective next month.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What if we were Texans?

We are retarded kids like that. Picture beside was taken in Starbucks and there's lotsa funneh pictures we took. Gonna go collect them from J. I tell you if you have pictures with her she takes forever to send you the pictures. If you follow my blog then you'll know how many times I complained about she didn't send the pictures to me. That's why I have to upload old pictures all the time. See, can't blame me one know, must blame her. Ok? :X 8P

Oh yah my mouth's size is like the same as my nose. Meaning I have huge round pig nose ( Eh I really have pig nose ok! ) and my mouth is very small. I have pouty lips. Ook random I know.

I'm totally !@#$^%(*#(&$% @ myself now because I can't read chinese and I have absolutely no idea what the chinese website where I can download GG ( GG IS OUT LIKE FINALLY!!!! Episode 18 & 19 !!!! ) and the show Rainie Yang acted. the one in Channel U. I should really go learn chinese and I regret for not taking chinese seriously when I learn it. But I really have no interests in chinese lah. Ok cut the crap.

Bottom line : I should learn chinese and so I could write proper chinese and speak better chinese when I can speak not bad chinese.... & who knows I need not go to Sydney and go to Taiwan instead.. Which is cheaper..... In the future. : ) K end of story. Close chapter for the chinese topic.

Okeh ask me why I blog so much. It is because I didn't blog in the past 3 days. I think? Which is amazing. Okie not really Ha Ha.

Its better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

So I could pretty much assume what results I'd get this time.. it was far better than what I expected to get.. despite the fact that I have no time to study. Okeh that's partly an excuse because I'm lazy to study at times but when I really want to study there weren't enough time for me to. Lack of time to study = fail in exams. Well to me if I studied I would consider myself fail for the results I got. :D

For fact #2, read my title. It pretty much explains...but not mostly! 8P But I'm happy with my results, prove that I'm not THAT stupid afterall.. cause I didn't read a shat. Ok maybe not for history but others I don't have the time to read at all..................... ( OKEH IM MAKING UP EXCUSES AGAIN. )

Hahaha omg I'm so weird.

p/s : second picture above is for entertainment.

Anyway.. Today's me and J my retarded bestfriend's 2 years anniversary. ( Sounds
so gay and girly bimbotic I cannot take it. ) HAha.

I guess no need for a picture of us. Bet you guys see us also want die d. HAHAHa.

Why 25th of March?

Because March's our both ok-with month so we picked March and as for the date, It was the product of adding 2, 5, 7, 11 together. 11 J's favourite number, 5 mine and 7 both our ok-with number and 2 my birthdate. So there you got it. Its like we planned to celebrate 2 years once so 2 numbers from each of us. So yeah, that 4 numbers. It kind of sums it up.

I actually have a post in mind to do for this day but I was too busy so I didn't do it. Ok scratch that. Let me put it this way. I forgot that this day (today) was coming nearer and I was lazing around practically all day without doing the post. Hehehe.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Naughty dog.

Stupid Poco look what he did to himself!!

Some dirty mutt he is. TSK. But he's a okay now and clean cause I bathed him and I am never going to put him out for a run in the garden..ALONE. Or he'll mess with the soil. What if an earthworm crawled onto his fur and that time I was bathing him and it just crawled out?! Man that is just so very disgusting I'll lose my appetite for sure. Yuck, but lucky their was no earthworm.....

Am so lazy to do my Science homework. I don't even know what homework my malay teacher gave. Oh well.. ( HAHA not like I do homeworks. =X )

Gospel Station

Hair Wash @ Evogue + Yum Cha @ Living Room.

Woke up unknowingly J was sleeping beside me and got a shocked. 'Cuz I was too busy y'know, sleeping, dreaming. Ok and then smacked her butt ( I wished I did it.. or did I? ) then went to shower. And then was frowning cause I don't know what to wear out and hehehe messaged J who was downstairs that I don't want to go already. And she came up and said " I KNEW IT " ( Ok I think I made that up. )

ANYWAY. got ready and off we go to Plaza Pelangi and met up with Nicole and Zoe then not long after Stella and her troop came and we joined in and walked as a whole, troop. :D Went in Evogue mostly everyone turned 180 degrees to see us walking into it. Felt quite "haha-ish" because it was so weird.....

Went into their student's department and got seated and the wash begins.... I pity the guy that washed my hair because you know right, my hair is so blardy long. Wash Blow "Kiap".

This picture is so stunted right, I know! haha : ) And I am so dark compared to PL!! Me like. Ehehe

And then I was the loan shark and collected money from everyone..Except those that didn't have their hair washed. Took a group picture..then byebye Evogue. I'll see if I want to come back again. : )( Evogue and E.Exchange got what difference ah? )

Can I not name out their names? A lot of people leh.

Then took a ride from Philip to Living Room. And ordered makanan cause we were like hungry bears then. And then Stella and others came......

Played Stella's Poker Game. Ha I think I'm clever, 2 times we played ( PL Eve J I ) and 2 times in a row I don't have any cards left with me! Totally should play that game @ other gatherings or something or hangouts with friends to get things hyped up.

New friends ( 5 ) : Delphine ( Idk how to spell her name la ok, ) , Kimberley, Calista, Joanne Gaw & Nevell.
JL can't make it because she had something wrong with her colon, then Nut can't make it because somebody died. My condolences.

( I am so lazy to put more pictures. I uploaded a few of them into flickr already but taking the codes are so so so so so so disturbing. I'll be back with more pictures when I uploaded them into photobucket ok? For more pictures you can either go to fungreativegals' / Evelyn's / Pui Ling's I have their link in my linklist. )

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wait, waiting.

Tomorrow I will blog about the Gospel Station we had.... OR wait until Stella blogs about it. hehehe.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Went to my apartment today to do Sejarah project with J but ended up doing science's one. But after doing it can't print it out becaue I don't know how to install the printer. Because its in chinese. I don't know how to convert it into english because its in chinese. 8) Dunno why in my computer ( main ) its in english but when I installed ( least ) it is in Chinese. * No comments please.

Munched everything we can find there, and turning into a fatty bom bom now. Not good.

Gospel Station tomorrow, and I still don't know what to wear. Really need to update my cupboard. Need to go to fleas. Fleas is good.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Your Hair Should Be Purple

Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional.

You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights.

This is damn awesome. LIKE I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I should totally dye my hair purple when I'm outta school. 3 yrs more( including this year ). Actually I kind of planned already. I want the darkest purple you can find, very very close to black, and when you got the lights hit on your hair it'll have the purple shade! :D

Do you people even get what I mean?

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I have a new record of BG. ( Naah, not telling you guys what's BG. I don't want the whole world to know. Ask me also I won't tell youu. ) My score : 2554160 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D Ok not really a big deal thing but I'm happy bout it ok! My last record was uh, 1000000 ++ *Dance around doing my happy dance*

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Howdyhoooo :) I'm afraid there's no picture for this post 8) Bad.. I know. This morning I had breakfast (more to brunch anyway) with my sister and Eu Chuan @ Lavender. And went to CS & watched Race to Witch Mountain today & it sucked. Like seriously sucked. So regretted for not watching Marley & Me because I heard its really nice and yeahh. Cause the 3 pigs Eu Chuan, Leet Sern and my sister watched it already. Hiyah I'll watch it someday with J.

And did you know that CS was so crowded today and I hate it. Its almost like half of the Jb-ians are in there. Super banyak cheena people and I hate it. Made faces at most of them and totally jeling-ed them from like up to down. Giving them the disgusted look. HEHE Thats what I do eveytime ;) Oohya, I saw like many people there, & 3 netball girls. Two from foon yew and one from SAB. What a small world but such a big fat coincidence.

Thanks Jeremy for the bible. I like it a lot. Thanks. Hehe 8) Me iz happy today because I bought the thing I wanted to buy and hehehe.

Monday, March 16, 2009


This picture is so grainy. But its not the grainy mode. Its because of Nokia's lousy phone camera @ night. And I look better grainy. I think? 8)

I've been using Flickr nowadays and I quite like it. The reason I don't like it but I quite like it is because of the image's size. I mean, I can't get a fixed size of the picture. not like PB but PB is being rrly an ass so I think I should stop using for a while. For good? Hahaha.


I think I should make good use of Facebook. But I don't know where to start because I don't have pictures from a particular day or smtg or event. Even if there's an event that I attend to, if I don't hold the camera there wouldn't be any pictures from there, and then. Like my birthday for an example. Pfft.

Its true that my Facebook account is just for approving friend requests. Uh, I don't get it there's always many people adding me on Facebook. Lol, but true. I mean, its not that I'm like popular or something but I don't get it how people can just come and go, add and increase their friends list. Life is just, so funny at times.

I should get really seriously started @ using Facebook but most of my friends are using Friendster or they have a Facebook account but they're not active there. Its so not fun using Facebook alone, or with people i'm not close with. I think people should get like me. XP

I hate my MSN.

Anyyway, I think I should upload the two videos I took of my 2 retarded netball players I met in J the other time. They're really funneh people and so nice to make friends with. :) Ook random.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I just bite a black mushroom and I feel nauseous.

My bestfriend is retarded. She can't go on MSN and talk to me she talked to me through my shoutmix. Lucky I'm online and I saw she left a msg. :D

Barbie crazy.


Blogger's being a moron now, why can't I edit my freaking font-size eh? Stupid. It's looking very ugly now I cannot stand it. I may get a " Vicky's blog is for quarter-blind people to see. " description 4 my blog from people. But right, if I change the size of my font, the font will get very ugly. Uglier than this now, I don't know why. It'll be very penyet. So I think I'm going to stick with this font size until I really really cannot stand it.Hahaha okay what's the use of telling u people all these? Lol. Beats me.

RNB songs makes me high.

I look like a walking zombie zombie zombie-eyeh eyeh eyeh eyeh. ~.~

Anywaay, Have you guys heard of the Shanghai 6 storeys high Barbie department? Ohgosh I wanna go there like now?!! I like Barbies in case you don't know. I feel like there so pretty and yeah. But some Barbies really have ugly face. I only like those with pretty face. Hehheh, superficial I know. Who isn't? :P

Hopefully, hopefully I can go to Shanghai this year and go to their World's Largest Barbie Store There and get my very own Barbie Polaroid!!!! & Barbie MP3 player.

I think this is like the 3rd time I uploaded this polaroid's picture here...

Ain't it nicee?? I WANT!!!!

What does Barbie reminds you guys/girls of? Some may say their dresses, earrings, boobs, Ken, or monster, her stupid brat attitude, the tissue paper with barbie fairytopia or smtg, But Barbie reminds me of this :

YUP, A Volkswagen Beetle!

.......Alright byebye.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

This is disturbing.

Currently looking for a picture to fit my header. I would go to Xanga, but its hard to find large scaled pictures and I would go to Photobucket but mostly all the pictures I searched don't turn out nice.. I would go to Deviantart but their pictures are so small! I would go to Imageshack but its picture quality is worse than Photobucket. I would go to Google pictures but I tried that before and I can't find what I want.

So I think my best choice is to go on Flickr because there's where I found my header's picture the Gemma Ward one. Ok in case you guys haven't notice, the picture has a major spelling mistake. Gemma Ward as Geema Ward. Lol alright.

how'd you guys like my blogskin ehhh? I like it so don't comment ok if not I go on your blog too(if you have one) and comment there like shit. Haha ok no don't worry I won't because I have a life. I don't do stupid stuffs like that.

SO.. I think blogging in blogger is so much fun than in livejournal or webs. ;) K I don't know what 'm talking about I just crapped for the sake of y'know, posting new posts.

Ciaooo you guyz. Peace out!


Happy Birthday Cookie! You're 5.

Though no one except for me know your birthday,

I love you & I miss you. Always have, always will.

You'll always be by my side won't you?


I promise I will not move blogs anymore! Trust me. :) :) :)

Ok right, so I won't be like "announcing" that I'm moving back to BS again in LJ because I just feel there isn't a need to, y'know? Btw I've got loads to blog about but I don't know where to start! And this time I have pictures, videos and all sort of craps!

Maybe I should just start from my Sejarah folio that gave us a crappy title to find stuffs about the Sultan Abu Bakar mosque in Johor. So we went there.. Took a bit of pictures.. and knowing that Non Muslims are not allowed to enter the mosque.

You see, I have prove that they don't allow us to enter! How can someone hurt our feelings like that? OK MAYBE NOT.

Anyway I have no idea why I even blogged about this but hey, its better than nothing right? At least I have pictures to blog about.. A last picture to end this boring post.

p/s : I don't like blogging about school stuffs so this MAY be the last post I'm blogging anything that concerned about school. Kthxbye ( But not those events and all that's organized by school la. )

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Cause my friend complained and they asked me to like change back to blogspot so here am I blogging in BS. : )

Ok I didn'task you guys to like link me right? So you can't blame me for always-changing-blogs right? HEHEHE and in case you didn't know I have like 5000000000 million blogs. :D

ANYWAYZZZZZZZ, I'm like live blogging now from Larkin Basketball place and ex-EC-ians having friendly match with ex-Omega-ians.

I. miss. netball. I. want. to. play. netball. I. saw. people. playing. netball. just. now. and I. want. to. play. but. I. hate. being. defender. that. is. so. not. nice. Hehehehehhehehehhe