Monday, January 4, 2010

Wordy Wordy

I like my new background picture. Got the idea of it yesterday night pretty cool huh? Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyway, um. Just a simple update I guess I'm back on track for good. :)

Went to two birthday celebration yesterday one was in the afternoon(Suphatta's) and one was in the night(Wei Lik's) Happy birthday to you both 19 freaks. :D

School is back on business.

Other than those things..nothing's been happening in my life. Sigh, boring boring boring life. I sound like a really sad individual naow. Oh well maybe I am~~~

This is my "complete" resolution list :

1. Lose weight.
Ok that's like my every year resolution. I didn't get any thinner but keep expanding horizontally. Bad that is bad.

2. Tone my legs.
Seriously I have pig trotters naow its so depressing I'm gonna cry myself to sleep every night man.

3. Plan a skin care regimen and stick to it!
My pimples are reducing naow because I introduced a new dermatologist's product to my very sensitive skin. Hehe. I hope I can keep those pimples away.

4. Plan a "workout" procedure and stick to it!
Am going to fail at this x32754918237092

5. Be nice to people...
Though I might give up soon then go back to the old me and be bad to people..but let's give it a try :)

6. Save pocket money
Am so broke now you don't wanna look into my wallet

7. Don't get a boyfriend
Hehe. But if its A then I'm going to break this resolution winkwink

8. Try to do homeworks.
I suck at this.

9. Always drink enough water
I'm dehydrated.

10. Go swimming regularly

11. Practice drinking coffee.
Sometimes I need caffeine to kick in too you know?

12. Groom Poco regularly....
Epic fail at this.

13. Only buy apparels at sale price.
Ha Ha Ha.

14. Don't hand in a brand new exercise book to the teacher again.
But the trip to the head of _____ is fun :D

ok lah I can't think of anymore now.

Byebye back2my Grey's marathon.


  1. I bet no 6 wont work >:D

  2. Hahaha! It will! You wait and see.

  3. Ok, looking foward to see it =)
    Mayb, when i am back in JB i will take a peek in yr purse =)
