Saturday, February 27, 2010

//Hold me down, sweet and low

Addicted to the song..see above title for one line of it's lyrics. Mainly because........ hmm. I shan't say it here don't feel so good revealing everything about me? hehehe.

Anyway, went for training this morning and then got abducted from S's car by J. She offered to get me whatever I want(affordable at the moment) so yeaaa hehe :)

Went to CS for lunch and helped N to get something and checked my phone bill. THANK GOD I DIDN'T USE UNTIL THE CREDIT LIMIT IS OVER. I was friggin' paranoid because. I made a promise to my dad to not use over the limit or else byebye iphone....(which then I'd be stuck with my lousy LG phone that I bought on impulse hahaha!) Was relieved when the person said my bill was RM***.85. Only .85 cents over hahahha! It was like ultimate relieve! phew!

Anyway, took neoprints and this is the best my camera can do.

I need a MACRO lens!!!! Any cheap secondhand macro lens compatible for canon EOS450D?(Must be in good condition la) Tell me ok!!! I will love you forever! hahaha. This is why.....owning a dslr isn't just it. You have to have different lenses to capture different photograph result. Photography is an expensive hobby. (It's not my hobby...but still. that's what everyone say)

OH! I got new addition to my ever expanding HK collection :) FROM THE CAPSULE MACHINES! hehe I really love to turn that thing. Turn turn then plop! you get a goodie :) Little things like that can really lift up my mood. J's tactic to make me "happy" and smile like a silly kid.

At first I got the green colour one (yuck) so I was sad....then J gave me money to let me get another one again! hehehe! but this time she turned the thing, cuz she thinks that she have better luck and she got me the purple one!! hehe we both got our colour except hers suck. She treats me sooooo good yet I treat her like shit. hahaha =P

Hmm yea so lepaked with J J H YY and a guy which I do not know his name.

And then, got a phone call from J telling me that one of my school's teacher passed away. We were close to her so its hard for us to digest the fact that she left.................................................. Sigh, I shouldn't talk about it now I feel so sad and guilty for being such a bad student.

-shouldn't talk about it. Yes.

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