Monday, February 15, 2010


Its been quite a while since I last fiddled with my camera.

I call this creature here the 'tiger with braces' hahaha.

Lover birds.

Hello Kitty mouse

Favourite pair of earring

Lover birds again hehhee.

Pictures are not photoshopped/edited. :)


Five things you will find if you open my backpack/bag:
1. Wallet
2. Shiny Spangle Camera heheheee
3. Hello Kitty lipbalm
4. Phone
5. Rubbish/receipts

Five things in my bedroom:
1. Laptop
2. Shoes
3. Bags
4. Canon EOS450D
5. Fedoras

Five things I’ve always wanted to do in my life:
1. Take awesome photos(Major fail at this)
2. Train a dog
3. Own a blogshop :(
4. Have good dressing sense(Major fail)
5. Find the love of my life

Five things that make me very happy:
1. Money
2. Good food
3. Shopping
4. Eating
5. A stranger giving me a nice compliment

Five things I currently love:
1. My camera
2. Poco Vivace
3. My accessories
4. My new camera
5. Bakwa hahaha

Five things on my To-Do list:
1. Buy the fisheye2
2. Go shopping
3. Finish first roll of film and see the result
4. Complete the rest of the 97% of my secret project
5. Get rid of pimples

Five things some people may or may not know about me:
1. I get annoyed when people constantly nudge me on MSN when I don't reply them
2. When you lose my trust, you’ll have to do a lot to gain my trust back.
3. I’ve never been in a relationshop
4. I don’t like going shopping with people
5. I speak mandarin at home

Five most memorable moments of this year:

Five things I want to say to five people:
1. Stop telling me about your relationship problems I am not interested
2. I wish I was as pretty as you.
3. Make a move or leave me alone, please.
4. I am going to buy another film camera please don't strangle me
5. Stop telling everyone like you knew me so well and you and I were "friends"

Five things I regret doing:
1. Made you misunderstood
2. Buying things on impulse
3. Not buying the fisheye2 when I saw it yesterday
4. Being disrespectful to my mom and dad and everyone else
5. Breaking promises


I wanna buy this. Please let me see it on my way up to *******.

I love fisheyezxzxzzzz

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