Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1. The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.

8 different points about my perfect lover :

1. Of course, A normal guy with goodlooking face.Like those born-from-rich-family face. He dont have to be like really rich but at least can afford to pay stuffs when we go out together or smth.

2. A guy that will be there for me when im feeling alone in a crowded room and makes me feel I'm secured, Beautiful & loved. His feelings towards me have to last very long. I want a guy thats serious about a relationship & serious about being together with me.

3. He dont have to be sweet ,Cause that'll make me get sick of him. But a suprise once in a while is a compulsary. Of course la.The suprise must'nt be like those common people did. I want to be treated very specially. He got to love me for who I am.

4. I want a guy with high standard and class. Like NOT annoying ofcourse, I want a guy that can give me space and some freedom. He have to trust me. I want a guy that can dress smartly.He cannot be petty, and question me about everything i did everyday, wronged me about something and never apologise. He cannot judge me, or have a bad taste toward fashion and stuffs. Like the stuffs he buy. & he have to respect me. A no means a no.

5. Must be good in sports,his sports must'nt be those 'kelefeh' type. & he must play an instrument, an instrument that he could write a song for me. Like, piano,acoustic guitar. & NO electric guitar player please. To other people it may seem cool, But to me,Its so low standard. I wouldnt encourage any of my friends play electric guitar. But, I can accept drum.

6. Have table manners and manners. Self respect please! No way for me to date a smoking guy , a have-a-peircing guy, mousctach(I dont know how to spell), AH BENG, dyed hair, animal abuser, a girl hitter, Un-hygienic, oh! body odour and bad breath.

7. Have a fit body . I dont wanna see those fats. Like,omg. Its very disgusting you know.He dont have to be muscular, but a few pecs please. At least go to gym once a week. Oh. If he's wearing a t-shirt or something, His arm muscle cannot show. Thats too muscular already.

8. Older than me,duh. Age gap between 1-3 . Height of course must be taller than me. Not too smart.It'll make me feel dumb. Chinese! He dont have to be a leader. But he must be respected by other people. Must be sociable. Talk to me. I cannot imagine dating people that doesnt talk.

& A WHOLE LOT MORE.(you dont want me to list down everything)


and now, i shall tag:-
1. Joanne Chian
2. JianLynn
3. Christy Chua
4. JacelynSoh
5. JeremyChian
6. -
7. -
8. -

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