Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Corpse Bride

Yay finally have internet access! :-) This post will be long, and Imma spam you with a lot of pictures. Sucks without internet acces. Finally bought new modem and installed it so tadaaaaa I am back!! 

Outing with Eunice & Joanne

One picture of us only cuz the pics didnt turn out good. :-( No wait, I didn't turn out good.

J & V @Jco

Hiya I very lazy to upload those pictures @ Jco already so this shall be it.


So the other day I helped my cousin to model for her nail art @ Plaza Pelangi. I have  to wear a wedding dress and wear 4inches high heels. The 4 inches was a piece of cake, the dress is a NIGHTMARE. Reason is because I am too short, even 4 inches can't save me from stepping on the dress.

Micky & Phoebe (My cousin) helped me to safety pin the dress to make it shorter and then it saved me from stepping the dress mana tau when its my turn to "solo" on stage the safety pin somehow fell off and then I kept on stepping on the dress when I have to go up the stairs. I was thinking "Shit dress shit dress times 10000 Damnit why does this have to happen to me!!!"

Bad experience. PLUS MY MAKE UP ALSO KA NA SAI!!!!! I HELP MYSELF TO MAKE UP ALSO NICER LUH (Even though I don't know how to. YES THAT BAD!! ) MY HAIR ALSO KA NA SAI!! Its over already so I shouldn't talk about it anymore. But one thing, I have no potential in modelling wahrao I pose also ka na sai. Never never never gonna be a model.

Here are some of the pictures the others I'm gonna upload them into fb.

My cousin & I! Jealous she is super tall and super skinny!!!

My nails! So pretty!! @.@ But then it was a torture carrying it all around especially when I cannot pull the dress up to save me from stepping on them cuz then the nails will all fall off! I tried and it really did fell off. Several times.

Micky. Also my cousin's model. I'm my cousin's bridal nails model whereas she's my cousin's fantasy nail model featuring graveyard nails.

My very pretty mummy! I'm not boasting ok. My mum is really beautiful!

Sister & I

Ok the whole package. Don't laugh. I know my hair my make up my pose my body size is horrible. But I like my dress though. I look like the Batman's Joker.

All the bridal models. Ok, if you noticed that I only posed with one hand, and the others posed with two hands, that is because my other nails all fell off! Cuz I tried to pull up my dress and 3 of them fell off. Sigh.



Ok bye! The rest of the pictures can be found @ fb.

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