I like kaleidoscope. They are so pretty. I like artsy fartsy pretty stuff. I like art. But I'm not cut out for art. I am not cut out for anything, in fact.
So mid-yearly exams are here..and I'd be sitting for my add maths paper tomorrow. I am still not even a-ok in it. Hahaha. Whatever. So, which two would you choose? This is the part where we have to really think, that is every criteria important or would play a huge role in our life?
Would you rather have good grades...and have social life but not enough sleep? Can you sacrifice your sleeping time for 'good grades' or 'social life'?
Would you rather have Good grades and enough sleep and be isolated from the rest of the world? Just for the sake of 'good grades' and 'enough sleep'?
Would you rather have social life and enough sleep?
I'd go with option no : 3. And my reason is, There is so much more to life than getting good grades. Grades does not prove anything. You do.
As for this graphic above, whenever I have like spare time(around 1 hour or so) after I'd completed my papers, I'd start imagining what my life would be when I get my own car and all that shiz. But doesn't that act makes it an excuse for me to escape what I am facing in the present for the future? Oh well.