Saturday, May 1, 2010

//Goodies like fooooood

Woke up at around 7 in the morning just to get ready for the Teenz Gamelicious. Waited for Stella to pick me up and then we zoom to church. Reached there, looked for my name to know which team I get posted to, to only find there weren't any Vicky/Victoria on the name list. Turns out they mispelled my name as Wicky. Now Stella came up with Wickipedia haha :-)

Anyway. I don't have pictures of the whole game thing. I'd only upload it when I get to find it haha. So. Everybody in our cell group got posted to the YELLOW team and..we had to come up with a cheer stuff and ours was Hey Yellow you so fine you so fine you blow my mind x2. (Yeah school cheer hahaha). There were 4 teams in total. Green, Blue, Yellow and Purple.

I am hairy girl

First game was to form a "U" shape and holding hands with your team member and then transfer the hoola hoop from you to your team member beside you, without using your finger(s). We won. Hhaa

Second game was some eating challenge. Randomly pick a folded paper in a plastic bag and you have to eat what the paper says. J got Raw Maggi Mee, I got Raw Cucumber........................... J finished all her maggi mee and I only managed to finish like 2/3 of the cucumber..then passed it to Nicole for her to finish. Now we both aren't gonna touch cucumber for Idk, 1 month? hahaha. J phobia maggi mee already. Everybody phobia  of everything. We got 3rd.

Third game was using a toothpick, which you will have to bite the toothpick and pick a rubber band hidden beneath a bowl of flour..then pass it to your teammates until its passed to the last person. I SUCK AT THIS GAME HAHAHA LIKE EPIC FAIL. Like epic fail until I caused my team to lose at this game hahaha. I don't know what position we got. I think last.

Fourth is the finale game. Which was something you have to slide on the floor with your butt and then meet the other team's members and in order to pass by them you have to play scissors paper stone. Hahaha. There was once I was the last member in 5 person row and I managed to beat/kill 8 person in a row hahahaha. T'was a good feeling. Sadly when I was like 2 feet from winning, I lost. But then, there's another time with Nicole in the front and she killed like 6 of the other team members in a row. We did nothing in the back and we won hahhaa.

So the final result, we won first. If we didn't win first then it'd be all my fault lol.

OK OK boring you with the infos...

I only have pictures of me and J haha. I'm gna upload it anyhow.

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