Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Freaking Besties

Hi. This is Pui Ling's masterpiece of Me and Joanne.
Title : Freaking Besties.

Thank you Pui Ling!
Love it love it love it.

Today the jogging plan was ruined once again. I feel sooo, guilty for not going for jogging ):):):):
I was like quarter awake when my sister woke up and called my brother to call my dad to go for a jog but my brother said can't jog cause it's drizzling. Then I was like "YES!! I can go back to sleep now!" Then went back to sleep. Boooo. How horrible can I get. Ish, Why am I so lazy?! Got to go jogging tomorrow. No matter what.

Maybe the reason for cannot get up to go jogging is because of I didn't sleep well or slept enough the day before. So yeah. Resulting in = cannot wake up to jog = cannot lose the damned overweight part.

Seriously, I am one more kilo to be overweight at my height. Which is 5'4. I weigh at 49kg. Oh my I can't believe I told you guys. Haha but nothing to be ashamed off really.

My relief PE teacher once asked me to go weigh myself on the weighing machine. Then later he saw my weight he was like. Wah. beratnya. I thought to myself.. "Very hard to believe mer?" Hard to believe or not? No right. Wonder what's wrong with the teacher man. Fancy calling me Frankit. -.-" What the hell? How did my name turn out to be Frankit?

I also remember, when I walked over to my PE teacher asking her to sign the PNP book, she saw my hand with "VICKY" there, so she asked me,

"You punya Boyfriend name ka?"

Then I was like Nooooo *laughing* Itu nama saya. Hahaha

"You punya nama bukan Jacky kah?"

"HAH?! Jacky? Hahahaha. Bukan lah. Nama saya Vicky."

It was all the -.-" moment.

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