Sunday, April 19, 2009

dub dub dub dub dub dub dub

Haiiii. I am so bored @ home and I kind of like this feeling because no one to annoy me and yes I like being alone. Weird but true.. <: The thought of ballet & piano lesson later make me..sick. Idk why but I just don't feel like doing anything right now. I just want to laze around n about at home..munch on what I hunted, blog hopping and thinking about random stuff and spent time figuring why stuffs happen.

Like for example, why does bad hair days this type of things exist? Why are they here? What do they want from us? I don't get it.. HAHA OK obviously I'm being a bimbo saying that why bad hair days are here.. obv they are here to spoil our day out..etc.



I think my blog is pretty lame I don't know why I still get visitors everyday. ( Maybe because other blogs are even lamer than mine? idk man.. ) And my blog's song. Omg it gets on my nerve everytime I hear it I'm very very very bored with it already. So I took the whole playlist off and I'llthink about it for some time to put songs in my blog. :>

ps: IT SUCKS TO HAVE NO PICTURES IN MY POSTS THESE DAYS. SPOILS MY MOOD. I should go take a shower now to calm down. TA!

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